IHS DECA Perseveres at ICDC

IHS DECA Perseveres at ICDC

Irvington Voice

June 3, 2024

By Devam Parekh

From April 25th to May 1st, DECA hosted its annual International Career Development Conference (ICDC) where students from numerous countries such as Jamaica, India, and China competed in business-focused events at Anaheim, California. 


By qualifying through the DECA State competition, 45 delegates from Irvington represented Irvington DECA at ICDC, the largest delegation out of any public high school in California. This competition was structured in a two-part system where competitors in an event would compete within a smaller cohort first and the top teams in each cohort would go on to compete for the coveted DECA glass, reserved for the top 3 teams in each event. Through fierce competition, three teams from Irvington placed in the top 10 and 5 teams finished top 20, representing Irvington on an international stage.

Competitors began preparing for this conference from the beginning of the year through weekly workshops that developed their skills. Additionally, DECA President Shubha Vharagiri (12) shares, “2 months before the conference, the workshops became more focused on one-on-one help. We also created a network of DECA alumni who were willing to help our members.”

 In addition, Irvington DECA created a mentorship program which paired up every member with an officer, helping students maximize their potential and grow. Amanda Lai (11), an ICDC delegate, explains, “The mentorship program gave us an officer who could give us personalized feedback outside of the actual sessions. This helped the students present their best selves at ICDC.” 

As a part of the conference, students met with college representatives from business-focused schools. Lai explains, “Meeting the college representatives was extremely helpful because I got insight on what majors I was interested in and what colleges provided.” This aspect of the conference also provided a networking opportunity as Vharagiri  says, “One of our members presented on his nonprofit organization that he’s had for multiple years and the judge was so impressed that he asked for a business card to contact him later on.” Additionally, students were able to network themselves to explore certain programs or scholarships they may consider applying to.

However, the conference was much more than just a competition. It involved a trip to Universal Studios to give the hardworking students a well-deserved break from preparing for their competitions. Mr. Ballado, DECA’s advisor, shares, “We spend the whole day there and the kids love it.” The group visited La Placita: the earliest community established in Riverside County. Additionally, the long bus ride to Southern California gave the members more time to bond and create memories. Lai adds, “It was an incredible experience to relieve a bit of stress while preparing for AP exams, focusing on extracurriculars, and competitions.”

This weeklong conference was a result of a full-year of planning. Mr. Ballado explained, “The preparation for ICDC starts in the summer when we pick our officer team.” The officer team has multiple areas to plan for, including weekly workshops to prepare DECA students for competitions throughout the year and logistics behind the conference itself. Vharagiri details, “We had to get started weeks and weeks before the conference on the logistical planning such as organizing chapter meetings, registering everyone, distributing ICDC blazers out, among other things.” Mr. Ballado adds, “We had meetings every day during lunch and had to plan the hotels, busses, make sure everyone’s name is spelled correctly, notify the teachers, have chaperone meetings, have parent meetings, and make sure all the paperwork is approved.” 

All the officers’ and organizers’ hard work resulted in a success, leaving attendees feeling satisfied with this year’s ICDC experience. Lai reflects, “It was really inspiring seeing so many high schoolers in one place who were so passionate about business and see all their hard work pay off.” 



Irvington DECA is the localized chapter-level operation of DECA, Inc. With over 100 members, DECA attracts large amounts of students who are interested in business management, financing, hospitality, marketing, and entrepreneurship. As a well-established chapter within the Northern California District of California DECA, members often experience great success at district, state, and international-level conferences each year.


DECA, Inc. is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and offers students experiences in marketing, business management, financing, and hospitality to over 215,000 high school students across the globe.

Irvington DECA Wins Big at Annual NorCal Conference

Irvington DECA Wins Big at Annual NorCal Conference

Irvington Voice

February 7, 2024

From January 12 to January 14, Irvington DECA competed at the Northern California DECA Career Development Conference (NorCal CDC) in San Ramon. As a team, Irvington should be proud: they championed the Norcal tournament as the number one chapter in the conference. With fourteen first place awards and a hundred competitors in the top ten, Irvington continued their trend of performing well at the annual competition. Irvington did especially well in the Integrated Marketing Campaign Service, sweeping the top five awards in the event. 

DECA has three different levels of competition: district, state, and international. NorCal, a district level conference, consists of all the DECA chapters in Northern California, and is one of the first stepping stones to state conferences. NorCal is one of the first major conferences of the year, and it helps new members to get used to competing. For returning members, it’s good practice as they prepare to compete at states and then eventually qualify for ICDC. 

Events typically consist of a role-playing section and also a presentation section, and participants compete in one of each. Roleplays are impromptu events, where you get ten minutes (or thirty minutes as a team) to prepare a topic and then present it to a panel of judges, which might be parents or business professionals, depending on the type of competition. The presentation events are more prepared, where members might have to create an online report on the topic beforehand, and then present it. 

Events are judged through Performance Indicators (PIs) which judge contestants on how well they explain certain vocabulary or concepts, for example, a participant might be asked to explain promotion. PIs and other parts of the presentation rubric, such as visuality, are judged on varying metrics. For example, a PI might be judged on a scale from 0-14. 

Additionally, competitors are tested on topics such as marketing, business administration, entrepreneurship, hospitality and tourism, and finance. 

“We’ve seen a lot of new members do well,” said Shreya Prashantha, Director of Varsity, (11), “That’s encouraging to see, and a sign that our Wednesday Workshops are working out well.” 

Wednesday Workshops were an important part of preparing the competitors for NorCal, giving them a chance to work with mentorship groups. They are usually split into two groups, new and experienced, and varsity will sometimes have their own session and sometimes help out the others. Sessions can include practice for testing, presentations, and worktime—anything that members need help with. 

Additionally, Irvington DECA also collaborated with Washington High School in December to host a student-run Miniconference known as Minicon. This served as practice for new members, and gave them a chance to gain experience in a simulated conference. 

Still, managing the logistics of such an important trip didn’t come without its challenges. Irvington used to offer a zero period, allowing freshmen and sophomores to take on additional courses. Without a zero period, it is difficult for underclassmen to fit in a CTE course within their schedules, making it hard to take part in conferences. Now that they had fulfilled their P.E course credits, there were more juniors able to take the course and join DECA to participate competitively. There were also a lot more people at NorCal this year (around 1500), and that made events a little more competitive. The opening and award ceremonies were a little crowded, and not everyone could fit into a hall together. 

 “All our chaperones were super helpful,” said Shubha Vajragiri, DECA Co-President (12)

 “Ms. Summer is our new advisor this year, and she’s doing a phenomenal job, but because she was new there was just a lot more communication that had to be done. We’re all thankful for all the work she’s put in.” Even with all the logistical challenges, NorCal went smoothly without a hitch. 

“Our officer team has improved a lot and was very prepared for NorCal this year. Everything was a lot easier to manage despite having a new advisor,” Vajragiri added. 

In all, Irvington DECA will be pleased by their performance at NorCal, and will look to prepare for new competitions for the future. As they move to compete at states in March, they will take what they learned from Northern California DECA Career Development Conference and apply it at DECA’s ICDC, (International Career Development Conference).



Irvington DECA is the localized chapter-level operation of DECA, Inc. With over 100 members, DECA attracts large amounts of students who are interested in business management, financing, hospitality, marketing, and entrepreneurship. As a well-established chapter within the Northern California District of California DECA, members often experience great success at district, state, and international-level conferences each year.


DECA, Inc. is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and offers students experiences in marketing, business management, financing, and hospitality to over 215,000 high school students across the globe.

Irvington DECA Triumphs at Norcal CDC

Irvington DECA Triumphs at Norcal CDC

Irvington Voice

By Suyash Lakhmani

January 28, 2022

From Jan. 14 to 16, Irvington DECA competed at the Northern California Career Development Conference (Norcal CDC) and shattered all-time in-person club records for awards. Irvington DECA brought home an unprecedented total of 42 Top 3 trophies, 19 more than the club’s previous record. Irvington DECA also sweeped at 3 events, where Irvington teams won all the trophies for each specific event.

“Just looking at Irvington, the name being called up over and over again, beating all the records that we’ve set was really a proud moment,” said Irvington DECA co-president Aryan Dua (12). “The first sweep [we ever had] was  actually back when I was a freshman. Seeing Irvington DECA grow to the point where we have three sweeps this year is crazy.”

Irvington DECA started preparing members from the beginning of the school year by hosting weekly workshops, practice events, and minicons (mini-conferences) to simulate real conferences. The weekly workshops, held on Wednesdays afterschool, prepared members for their events in two-hour sessions using lesson plans that the  officer team prepared back in the summer. Additionally, the team set up mentorship groups, pairing groups of members with an officer in order to answer more specific questions about event preparation and competition. 

“The officer team offered four or five different practice tests and corrections to prepare us,” said Irvington competitor Akshath Kumaresan (11). “They also offered a lot of help in terms of doing practice role plays and doing practice presentations. Even leading up to the contest, they would be up until 2 A.M. helping people.”

Last year’s DECA conferences were held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This led to differences in competition and the removal of other in-person experiences while at conferences. Many members missed competing in-person with their friends and peers, and the experience of staying overnight, dining out, and being awake all night rehearsing for events together. 

“COVID really dragged our chapter down more than it brought us up,” said Dua. “Many first and second-year competitors had never attended an in-person conference. But it was great to see our young stars… rising to the occasion and winning.”

Irvington DECA also used Norcal CDC this year to assess which aspects of competition they could improve in. The officers plan to help members polish their written reports and reduce as many unnecessary score reductions as possible. The officer team also considers their competitors well-rounded and has faith in their success at the next level.

In order to prepare for the state conference at the end of February, Irvington DECA plans to help members finalize their reports and maximize the winning momentum from Norcal CDC. Practice will also include continuing weekly Wednesday after-school workshops, as well as implementing individual review sessions with members. Competitors continue to prepare until they fly out together to Anaheim, CA to compete at the state conference.



Irvington DECA is the localized chapter-level operation of DECA, Inc. With over 100 members, DECA attracts large amounts of students who are interested in business management, financing, hospitality, marketing, and entrepreneurship. As a well-established chapter within the Northern California District of California DECA, members often experience great success at district, state, and international-level conferences each year.


DECA, Inc. is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and offers students experiences in marketing, business management, financing, and hospitality to over 215,000 high school students across the globe.

Irvington DECA Experiences Tremendous Success at States

Irvington DECA Experiences Tremendous Success at States

Anaheim, Calif.—March 8, 2019— On February 28th, 2019, 108 Irvington DECA members flew into Anaheim, CA, ready to compete at the California DECA State Conference, eager to be faced with competition after the Northern California Career Development Conference in January. Members were able to network and gain invaluable experiences with competitors from over 20 chapters across California all while garnering presentation skills and understanding topics encompassing business administration, finance, hospitality, marketing, and entrepreneurship through preparing for written events and testing, as well as through comprehending roleplay prompts. 

To prepare for competition, members were encouraged to utilize presentations from weekly workshop sessions available on the Facebook page, which ranged from finance sheets to graphic design tips. Competitions University, an online resource for exam preparation, scheduling practice presentations and roleplays though Irvington’s mentorship system, and our chapter’s online resources tab on our webpage were all additional resources provided for members. Members continued to further fine-tune their abilities, learn new skills, and integrate concepts from Career Technical Education courses through incorporating these competition preparation techniques. 

Members preparation techniques evidently led to incredible success during the grand awards ceremony. The Irvington DECA chapter saw 2 first-place finishes, 2 second-place finishes, 6 third-place finishes, 2 Stock Market Game qualifiers, and 2 Virtual Business Challenge qualifiers. Additionally, California DECA instated 2 Irvington DECA officers in the CA DECA Team 69! Irvington DECA is excited to have representation at the State level once again. 

With the amazing success experienced by the chapter, Irvington DECA looks forward to further achievements during the International Career Development Conference in April at Orlando, Florida.



Irvington DECA is the localized chapter-level operation of DECA, Inc. With over 100 members, DECA attracts large amounts of students who are interested in business management, financing, hospitality, marketing, and entrepreneurship. As a well-established chapter within the Northern California District of California DECA, members often experience great success at district, state, and international-level conferences each year.


DECA, Inc. is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and offers students experiences in marketing, business management, financing, and hospitality to over 215,000 high school students across the globe.

Middle Schoolers Experience DECA Through Irvington's DECA Rise

Middle Schoolers Experience DECA Through Irvington's DECA Rise

Fremont, Calif.--December 7, 2018-- On December 7th, 2018, Irvington DECA’s first annual DECA Rise minicon took place at Irvington High School. DECA Rise is a new, annual program offered by Irvington DECA to help middle-schoolers explore their interests and discover their passions for business. This year, DECA Rise members prepared themselves through public speaking, learning business topics, and participating in engaging activities over the course of eight weeks.

At the conclusion of this year’s program, Rise students had the opportunity to participate in a mini conference, which allowed Rise students to implement their learnings into a real-world business scenario roleplay Members experienced a full day of testing, roleplays, and business-related workshops and activities.

Irvington DECA officers believe that getting started early is the best way to prepare for the future - for this reason, this program is aimed to help middle-school students exclusively get a head start on their DECA and professional careers. Students are taught by a team of business-oriented chapter officers with experience in various aspects of business, including: Business Management and Administration, Marketing, Finance, Entrepreneurship, and Hospitality/Tourism. Specific topics covered within the Rise program include economics, marketing, and finance in business contexts, alongside a roleplay and testing guide session.

Pictures from the program can be found at this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11CN5fWOiHkW6Tt6tcu2Q1dcbdcgMoyNt



Irvington DECA is the localized chapter-level operation of DECA, Inc. With over 100 members, DECA attracts large amounts of students who are interested in business management, financing, hospitality, marketing, and entrepreneurship. As a well-established chapter within the Northern California District of California DECA, members often experience great success at district, state, and international-level conferences each year.


DECA, Inc. is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and offers students experiences in marketing, business management, financing, and hospitality to over 215,000 high school students across the globe.